
Thursday, September 24, 2020

Tree Report


Wednesday, September 16, 2020


Cute, fluffy and has a big  butt
Carries happiness, kindness and love that heals your heart if you’re sad,
Sounds like a loud call, 
Likes cake that makes you happy 

She says catch me if you can!

Thursday, September 10, 2020

The Pool

            The Pool was usual enough; it had water a slide,a                       waterfall, a diving board and steps into
Into It. Me and my Mum did what families do we cannon Balled into the pool. Leapt into the tube slide.
Got  blown by the wind. Screamed at an ant belly flopped 
And splashed. Screamed at my dad for doing
A bally flop.
Doing nothing important. 

My place value.

 This is my number it is 6781

 this is how i did it i am in kathy

maths group and we were ask to make are own number in   thousands hundreds tens and ones. i made 6781 for my                                                           number.  


Friday, September 4, 2020


I wandered into Tāne Mahuta chatting to my friends and something felt different. At first I didn’t notice. It was maths time and I saw a big green vine.

“WHAT IS THAT!” I screamed.

“ Emma come to maths!”

After maths I looked back at the vine but it wasn't there. I rubbed my eyes and looked again but it still wasn't there. I went to break but no one was outside. Then I heard weird doll music and I saw the big vine again. It was bigger than before and it wasn't green, it was purple, it was rainbow.

I heard voices. It sounded like my friends then I looked behind the plant and everyone was trapped under it. What are they doing under there? How did they get under there?

Suddenly something touched behind me. I looked, there was a big vine. I suddenly karate chopped it and it disappeared. BOO aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah!

“Who is that?”

“ It’s me Jessica.”

“Oh how are you here? I saw you under the big plant.”

“ No I was in the classroom.”

“Hi Emma and Jessica.”

“ Who is that?”

“ It's me Olivia .”

“Oh how are you here? I saw you under the big plant.”

“ No I was in the classroom.”

“Oh yeah I remember you were in the same place as me, I didn't even see you Olivia.”

“Yeah I did see you Jessica.”

“ Guys we need to get out of here.”

“ But how?”
“We can try to break the glass.”
“ No it's too dangerous.”
“ Is that you Mum?”
“ Emma it is you.”
“Mum how are you here? You weren't in the house. I was at school hiding from the vines that were inside the house, I was too scared to stay, I had to leave.
You could have left a note Mum.”
“ I didn't have time- the vines were taking over the house.”
“ Oh hi Jessica and Olivia how are you today?”
“ We're good, “
“Would you like a cup of tea?”
“Mum this is a crisis we don't have time for a cup of tea. Look there's something in that corner. We can have a look. Anyone want to come with me.”
“ I will.”
“ It's a Magic wand, what is it doing here? Maybe the plants dropped it. That could be true But how would they have dropped it when they're taking over the world and all the people?”
Suddenly people are coming from outside and they don't look normal! ZOMBIE PLANTS RUN! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
I have that magic wand BOMM. The magic wand exploded and everyone woke up. Jessica ,Olivia, Mum you're back ! What happened?
Yeah what happened? Why are we asleep on the floor?
Because the vine got you. I used the magic wand but it exploded instead and you guys just woke up.
The sky returned to blue and the grass bloomed and the flowers woke up from their sleeping and everything was back to normal.
The glass wasn't broken and the zombie people were back to normal.
The End.  

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Bean planting day!


                              Bean Planting Day 

Today was fun. We planted beans that were in biodegradable pots. We germinate the seeds one month ago. Today we put them in the garden. We made sticks and put our names on them so we know what plant was ours. Kathy said to the class we needed to water the beans. Kathy said let the water soak in so the garden wouldn't get flooded. 

This what we did:
1.You need to soak beans then plant it and water the bean so it will grow.
2. Wait a couple of months for it to grow.
3. Enjoy a lovely plant.